The In Health and Freedom ministry was started in 2016 by Dr. Elizabeth Primus supported by friends, who have a heart to see men and women live free from the bondage of ignorance, sin and disease and toxic strongholds of thought.


To help you discover the pathway to prevention and healing of disease through understanding the spirit, soul and body connection and the principles found in the Bible. 


The mission of the In Health and Freedom Ministry is to empower men and women to overcome life traumas that can lead to disease, through training and ministry related to toxic strongholds of thought and the renewing of the mind through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Through this website, you will have access to tools that can help you to accomplish this.

Latest News

The In Health and Freedom Conference begins January 10, 2022 and will run for five nights on Zoom from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  For more information and to register select the Courses tab and navigate to In Health and Freedom Conference.   

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